
Note For Presenting Authors

Oral Presentations
A computer with possibility for Power Point or pdf presentations would be available. The presentations should be prepared for 15 min and five additional minutes are allocated for discussion.

Poster Presentations
The posters will be on display throughout the meeting. The poster should have portrait orientation and the maximum dimensions should be 90x120 cm
The Abstracts will appear in the Abstract Book only upon registration of at least one author.


Note  For Fieldtrip Attendees

Recommendations to those participating in the fieldtrip.

Safety Information



The Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee kindly invite you to submit abstracts to participate as Oral or Poster presentation to the Symposium to be held the 17th of September with the theme:

Application of Coal and Organic Petrology

The Sessions to be selected are:

  • Organic Petrology and Climate Change.

  • Coal Geology and Coal Hosted Critical Minerals.

  • Artificial Intelligence and Coal - Organic Petrology.

  • New Technology Development.

The Abstracts will appear in the Abstract Book only upon registration of at least one author. The tentative deadline is established the 5th of July 2025. The abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and acceptance will communicated within 15 days after submission.

Abstract Template


The posters will be on display from throughout the meeting.