
Congress Registration

Complete out the registration process you must download the registration form from the pdf link below, fill it out correctly, checking all the relevant options and then send it to us along with proof of payment to the email: iccp2025@outlook.com

Basic Registration

Early registration

Before July 15

Late registration

After July 15


280 USD


320 USD


100 USD


300 USD


345 USD


120 USD

Other Events

Field trip

300 USD, include transportation,
meals and 3-nights accommodation

Conference dinner

50 USD

Ice-breaker for guest

30 USD

Please Note

Registration fee includes: participation in all sessions and symposium, coffee breaks and lunches, book of abstracts.

Field trip fee includes field guide, transport by high-speed train from Beijing to Shanxi Province and bus in Shanxi, meals, and 3-nights accommodation. Maximum number of participants for the field trip: 30 people.